Metrics to measure for ROI on L&D programs — Esther Lee // McCann Worldgroup

Esther Lee, VP of Global L&D at McCann Worldgroup, delves into measuring the return on investment of learning and development and diversity and inclusion initiatives. As organizations invest in upskilling their workforce, they often ask, 'How do we measure the impact and ROI of learning and development programs?' Companies want to ensure that their investments contribute to their bottom line, so training administrators must be able to demonstrate the program's impact. Today, Esther discusses measuring the return on investment of learning and development programs.
About the speaker

Esther Lee

McCann Worldgroup

- McCann Worldgroup

Esther is VP of Global L&D at McCann Worldgroup

Show Notes

  • 01:36
    Challenges in proving the value of HR and L&D programs
    HR and L&D professionals face difficulties in demonstrating program value due to challenges in capturing engagement and measuring impact in diverse training environments. In addition, HR is often more focused on execution rather than showcasing the ROI of successful initiatives.
  • 02:57
    Metrics for measuring program success
    Metrics measuring program success include attendance rates, participation rates, survey results, applicability scores, and net promoter scores. Additionally, measuring pre-training and post-training metrics through AB testing helps evaluate the impact of training programs.
  • 04:52
    Addressing the forgetting curve in L&D program implementation
    Learners forget over 70% of what they are taught within 24 hours of learning it, so ongoing reinforcement is crucial. This can be achieved by delivering engaging, bite-sized refreshers to promote the retention of vital content and continuous learning beyond the initial training.
  • 06:54
    Measuring training effectiveness with engagement metrics
    To effectively showcase training impact, it's essential to go beyond attendance tracking. Measuring active engagement, such as through chat interactions and tools like Padlet and Kahoot, is crucial for assessing participation and involvement in training sessions.
  • 10:16
    Measuring engagement in training platforms
    Polling platforms offer automated metrics, whereas collaboration tools like Padlet and Mural require manual tracking. These tools provide data on user activity and engagement duration, offering valuable insights for facilitators.
  • 11:38
    Translating training metrics to value and ROI
    Besides training costs per participant, focus on addressing competency gaps. Identify employee knowledge gaps, tailor training to address them, and measure pre- and post-training impact to show your leaders the gaps addressed and the impact achieved.
  • 15:10
    Gaining leadership and learner buy in for training
    Leadership buy-in can be achieved via pilot results showing the ROI and how the training will help employees be more efficient at their jobs. When leaders endorse the training, it alleviates learner concerns about the time investment, as they understand it will enhance their job efficiency.
  • 16:53
    Quantifying the impact of soft skills training
    Self-assessment involves gathering feedback from learners via surveys and regular check-ins. Assessment from others can come from 360 reviews and feedback from managers and colleagues on the changes in the learners communication, collaboration, and other soft skills.
  • 19:37
    Assessing employees after training completion
    Set parameters for assessments to avoid employees feeling defeated in the case of low scores, or managers using them to deny promotions to employees. Encourage participation by offering certificates post-assessment, which can be showcased on LinkedIn.
  • 21:49
    Communicating the purpose of assessments as tools for learning and improvement
    To assure learners that assessments aren't punitive, build trust by understanding their needs and providing clear messaging. Clearly communicate assessment parameters and reassure learners that assessments are for improving training and not for performance management.
  • 24:53
    Proving ROI through competency based training
    In a previous company, Ester tackled onboarding challenges with a competency-based scoring system for new sales managers. This approach led to the successful onboarding of over 30 sales reps monthly, garnering positive feedback from both learners and managers.


  • "People forget over 70% of what they're taught within 24 hours. Training shouldn't be one-and-done; consider what's vital, refresh it in bite-sized, engaging ways to keep it top of mind." - Esther Lee

  • "L&D leaders must look beyond engagement, as it doesn't guarantee learning. Identify competency gaps, create bespoke training, and measure pre- and post-training impact to show leaders the addressed gaps and impact achieved." - Esther Lee

  • "Learners are always thinking about the time they're losing while in training to do their actual jobs. So the ROI that you're trying to showcase for leaders actually needs to be facing the learners first." - Esther Lee

  • "Survey fatigue is real. Understanding your learner's needs and having honest conversations with them during check-ins is going to be important so you're not constantly serving them the same question repeatedly." - Esther Lee

  • "Ensure assessments don't demoralize employees or hinder career growth. Clearly define their purpose and limitations to avoid misinterpretation and misuse." - Esther Lee

About the speaker

Esther Lee

McCann Worldgroup

- McCann Worldgroup

Esther is VP of Global L&D at McCann Worldgroup

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