The role of data in identifying burnout, productivity & retention risks — Brad Smith // meQuilibrium

Brad Smith, Chief Science Officer at meQuilibrium, delves into data-driven strategies for enhancing employee well-being and performance. The COVID-19 pandemic, along with ongoing global challenges, has led to a notable increase in employee depression, anxiety, and burnout. Nevertheless, organizations can harness data-driven insights to proactively identify individuals facing these conditions and implement targeted strategies for improvement. Today, Brad discusses the role of data in identifying burnout, productivity, and retention risks.
About the speaker

Brad Smith


- meQuilibrium

Brad is Chief Science Officer at meQuilibrium

Show Notes

  • 01:33
    Identifying and addressing burnout with meQuilibrium
    meQuilibrium uses a predictive model within its 60-question assessment to identify burnout risk for individuals. The platform offers tailored solutions to address burnout and provides aggregated data to leaders to help them address burnout risk within their workforce.
  • 03:17
    Distinguishing between existing burnout and at risk individuals
    meQuilibrium's model can make the distinction. The platform identifies severe cases in the top 10% of scores and individuals further down the spectrum who are at moderate risk or on the path to burnout. Those with lower scores are generally less of a concern in terms of burnout.
  • 04:01
    The accuracy of meQuilibrium's models for identifying burnout, depression, and anxiety
    meQuilibrium's models for identifying burnout, depression, and anxiety are highly accurate, with the depression and anxiety models achieving over 90% accuracy. The burnout model also demonstrates a high degree of fidelity to the original measure.
  • 05:47
    The pandemics impact on depression, anxiety, and burnout levels
    Depression and anxiety levels have risen significantly since the pandemic, and the number of highly burned-out individuals has also increased. Persistent stressors like political, social, and global issues are preventing a return to pre-pandemic levels.
  • 07:55
    Reducing employee stress and anxiety from world events
    While there isnt a quick fix or data-driven intervention for global stressors, individuals can benefit from understanding what they can and cannot control. They can practice mindfulness to help alleviate stress caused by the state of the world.
  • 09:56
    The impact of meQuilibrium on anxiety, depression, and burnout levels
    Users experience around a 30% improvement in resilience indicators, a 13% reduction in depression, and a 20% reduction in anxiety over time. The more hours spent engaging with the platform, the greater the improvements in resilience and stress reduction.
  • 11:28
    User engagement and light bulb moments in meQuilibrium
    meQuilibrium aims to engage users for a couple of minutes a few times a week, with brief activities or content. These engagements facilitate "light bulb moments" and enable users to make leaps in self-improvement, with the flexibility to return as needed for further support.
  • 13:35
    The impact of meQuilibrium on employee productivity and engagement
    meQuilibrium measures its impact through various studies and analyses. Results consistently show that users experience lower turnover rates, reduced disability leaves, improved sales performance, reduced presenteeism, and lower healthcare claims costs, among other benefits.
  • 18:49
    meQuilibriums availability for individuals
    MeQuilibrium primarily focuses on serving mid-sized to large companies. While it initially offered a consumer product, it now directs individuals interested in its services to engage their HR departments at their workplaces for potential adoption of the platform.


  • "Burnout is a huge risk for retention. It's one of the main reasons people are out there looking for new jobs." - Brad Smith

  • "Our depression and anxiety measures are 90 plus percent accurate in identifying folks with at least a moderate or greater level of depression and or anxiety." - Brad Smith

  • "The percentage of individuals experiencing depression and anxiety increased from 10-12% pre-pandemic to about 20-22% during the pandemic." - Brad Smith

  • "After using meQuilibrium, 13% fewer people at that reassessment meet the criteria for moderate or worse depression, we see about a 20% reduction in anxiety, and burnout is in that 15 to 20% range of reduction in risk." - Brad Smith

  • "Our studies over the last couple of years consistently show that people who are engaging with meQuilibrium have about an 80% lower actual turnover rate than people who don't." - Brad Smith

About the speaker

Brad Smith


- meQuilibrium

Brad is Chief Science Officer at meQuilibrium

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