Data-Driven Decision Making in Procurement — Adnan Karabay // Workday

Senior Solutions Consultant at Workday, Adnan Karabay, joins Dominic Bohan to discuss Data-Driven Decision Making in Procurement.
About the speaker

Adnan Karabay


- Workday

Adnan is Senior Solutions Consultant at Workday

Show Notes

  • 5:42
    What does a procurement manager do?
    The types of data procurement managers can look for.
  • 13:26
    How do you structure the data?
    Unstructured data, service proposal, service quality, service levels, etc.
  • 21:07
    How to extract qualitative data from a vendor?
    Ask specific and detailed questions and drill down.


  • “Finding the right balance between cost and quality is essential in procurement. Avoid overpaying for services, but also beware of underpaying to the point where the vendor may not meet the required standards. Its critical to achieve the best value for the cost, and correctly using and analyzing data can help us do that.”

  • “And that's where it gets into the nitty-gritty of the data analysis, when you come into an RFP process. And you receive the responses with the various prices they have submitted, which can be complex, depending on what you're asking for. So you have to compare that data or you have to compare the different price points that you have received from various vendors.”

  • “If you ask the wrong questions, you get crappy data. All you get is maybe some corporate buzzwords about how great they are.”

  • “Be very specific about what you want. And then ask specific and detailed questions... That's what's going to allow you to make the closest to an objective, like-for-like comparison.”

About the speaker

Adnan Karabay


- Workday

Adnan is Senior Solutions Consultant at Workday

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