Building data informed products — Oji Udezue and David Okuniev // Typeform

Oji Udezue, Chief Product Officer, and David Okuniev, Co-Founder and Head of R&D at Typeform, explore data-driven product development. Building successful products is a delicate balance between inspiration and data-driven decisions. You need inspiration to come up with the initial idea, but you must also remain customer-focused and data-driven to refine and validate that idea. Today, Oji and David discuss building data-informed products.
About the speaker

Oji Udezue and David Okuniev


- Typeform

Oji is CPO and David is Co-Founder & Head of R&D at Typeform

  • Part 1 Building data informed products — Oji Udezue and David Okuniev // Typeform

Show Notes

  • 00:37
    The origin of Typeform
    Typeform was born accidentally when the founders, who came from design backgrounds, were tasked with creating a unique form for a bathroom company. They decided to turn their innovative approach into a service, leading to the creation of Typeform.
  • 01:45
    How Typeform differentiated itself from its competitors
    Before Typeform, the idea of forms didnt go beyond being mechanical and boring. Typeform was the first SaaS product to take a one-question-at-a-time approach, and include features like animation mechanics, images, and videos within the flow.
  • 05:13
    Data validation and the creation of Typeform
    Typeform was created without customer research, and instead, field testing, qualitative feedback, and quantitative data initially validated its potential. Typeform's ongoing success relies on simplicity, accessibility, and continuous listening to user feedback to improve the product.
  • 08:33
    Using data to inform product development and features
    Typeform leverages customer feedback, ongoing experiments, and data-driven insights to guide product development and feature implementation. These experiments, shaped by customer input, continuously gather data, validating investments and pinpointing areas for improvement.
  • 11:24
    Experiment design at Typeform
    Typeform's experiment design is standard: hypothesis creation, metric selection, test design, and investment threshold. Experimentation systems assess results, matching them with hypotheses. In ambiguous cases, follow-up interviews clarify user intent.
  • 12:53
    The importance of using customer feedback to validate metrics
    When it comes to metric-driven experiments, one of the mistakes growth teams make is that they just look at metrics, and they don't look at intent. Whenever possible, its crucial to conduct customer interviews to validate metrics and ensure alignment with user intent.
  • 13:53
    The importance of considering the "why" during data driven experimentation
    Typeform believes in being data-informed but not data-obsessed, as overreliance can lead to a disconnected product experience. Theres a need to understand the human narrative and the "why" behind data, as data alone may not reveal the full picture or lead to accurate decisions.
  • 18:10
    Balancing design and a data driven approach to product development
    Companies like prioritize data-driven decisions over design, leading to optimized but less user-friendly experiences. If the data is all youre relying on to make decisions about your products, then youre likely to miss out on creating an experience aligned with customer expectations.
  • 20:48
    Balancing data and user experience in product development
    Data can guide decisions but shouldn't be the ultimate decision-maker, as it can overlook the human experience and overall product quality. Understanding this experience requires conversations with users to gauge how they feel while using a product.
  • 23:14
    Typeforms product development philosophy
    Typeform's success is rooted in its customer-centric approach. As they expand their product offerings, the core process remains the same: conceptualize based on intuition, build, gather feedback, and engage with users to validate and improve the products continually.
  • 24:59
    Balancing inspiration and data in product development
    Successful product development requires a balance of inspiration and data-driven customer focus. Purely inspirational approaches may lead to failures, while solely data-driven ones can lack innovation. Both inspiration and data are essential for building impactful products.
  • 28:52
    An overview of Formless
    Formless is an AI-driven, conversational form product that allows users to ask questions and receive tailored responses within the form. The structured data extracted from these conversations can be used for analytics and reporting.
  • 33:29
    Formless for lead generation
    Formless caters to lead generation where users fill in information to engage with businesses. It not only collects data conversationally but also serves as a virtual salesperson, providing context about the business and persuading and engaging users effectively.


  • "Over 10 years ago, this idea of making forms something less than just a mechanical boring thing didn't really exist. We were the first SaaS product trying to make an experience out of forms." - David Okuniev

  • "I say all the time, technology for humans, not humans for technology. And I think that's part of a superpower for really great software companies." - Oji Udezue

  • "Once you have the first success with a product, you now have to listen for how to improve it, in which direction to take it to make it even better for the people you really care about using it." - Oji Udezue

  • "One of the mistakes growth teams make is that they only look at metrics, not intent. Do spot checks and interviews to see if what you think is going on in people's heads, given the clickstream, is actually whats happening." - Oji Udezue

  • "Experimentation needs to go beyond data for you to understand the why. All you see is the what, but if you don't understand the why, you can actually make the wrong decision." - Oji Udezue

  • Part 1 Building data informed products — Oji Udezue and David Okuniev // Typeform
About the speaker

Oji Udezue and David Okuniev


- Typeform

Oji is CPO and David is Co-Founder & Head of R&D at Typeform

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    Part 1Building data informed products — Oji Udezue and David Okuniev // Typeform

    Oji Udezue, Chief Product Officer, and David Okuniev, Co-Founder and Head of R&D at Typeform, explore data-driven product development. Building successful products is a delicate balance between inspiration and data-driven decisions. You need inspiration to come up with the initial idea, but you must also remain customer-focused and data-driven to refine and validate that idea. Today, Oji and David discuss building data-informed products.